

Switchable Rosette Headbands

 Headbands are the best; and when you make them yourself, they're even better! First- start out with a plain headband; metal or plastic (whatever works for you and is comfortable). I scored these metal ones here. Hot glue some velcro+felt (same size as the velcro on the backside). You might want a mirror handy to make sure you attach the velcro where you want it.

 Second- make your rosettes (or whatever embellishment you want). Click here for the super easy tutorial. The thing I love about these is that they don't have to be perfect ;) For these I used hot glue, but fabric glue also works very well.

 Then attach the fuzzy side of the velcro to your flowers.
 There you have it!

You can make others to change out. For these I just glued one flower slightly on top of the other one.

Here's another example of what you can do. The possibilities are endless!! Have fun :]

 Amber and I made some of these while I was visiting her.. She will have to post some pics of her variation.. hint hint ;)

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