It's about time for a new project!!! I am a little obsessed with these pillows :) They're actually covers; I was a little sick of a few of my pillows, so I made covers for them instead of throwing them out. And I am aware that it doesn't spell anything.. they stand for Scott + Lyndsey <3 <3 <3
They were really easy to make!
What I used
-fabric (cream canvas & black cotton)
-heat n bond (lite)
-sewing machine (needle + corresponding thread)
-old pillow (or filling if you want to make a pillow)
Step 1
Measure your pillow. Add an inch (this will be for the front side of the pillow). My pillow was 18.5x18.5 (so I cut my fabric 19.5x19.5). Then for back/envelope side, you're supposed to add 4in to 19.5 (23.5x19.5).. but I didn't have enough fabric to make that big of an envelope (but I made it work anyway!! Click
here for an easy video tutorial that might explain it better than me :P
Here's what my pieces looked like cut out
Step 2
Print out your letters. I found some free fonts
here, and some other images
here. Cut out your letter(s), place them on the heat n bond sheet and cut how much you'll need. Follow the directions for ironing onto your black fabric... Then place your letters face down and trace them. Cut out the letters, peel backing and pin where desired. Iron in place.
Sew a straight stitch border close to the edge on your letter & number.
Step 3
Fold and pin the edge on the long side of the smaller pieces (for the envelope back). You only need to do this to one side of the piece. See youtube tutorial mentioned above if this is confusing you :)
Step 4
Place all your pieces right sides together. The back pieces will overlap a little to let you get your pillow in. Pin and sew 1/2in around all the edges. Don't forget to cut the corners when you're done sewing to make the corners look pretty :) Turn right side out and insert your pillow.
There you have it!! Had to post this pic of my cute Astro :P
Here were some other pics I found on the world wide web. SOOOO CUTEEEE!!! Let me know if you have any questions.